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Portfolio Analysis Software in Credit Management

Make Strategic Decisions Based on Relevant Data.


Facts & Figures

Data-based portfolio analyses in credit risk management are an important tool for making strategic decisions. Depending on their design and objectives, they provide information on very specific questions that will help you in your planning.

With an appropriate portfolio analysis software, existing data and information can be compiled and evaluated according to various criteria and displayed visually.

At a Glance: Reporting in CAM

  • The portfolio analysis software provides you with comprehensive analysis options for the data available in CAM.
  • Easily create individual evaluations with the report editor.
  • The reports can be created automatically and mailed at your defined times.

Quick Answers to Important Questions

  • Which customers have exceeded limits by the most?
  • How are your customers distributed across the rating classes?
  • Which customers have the highest limits, exposure, open positions and/or outstanding orders?
  • By how much has your average DSO (average time taken to pay) improved?
  • How are open positions and credit defaults distributed across your branches?
  • For how many and which customers are trade credit insurance lines available, and in what amount?
  • Which totals do I need to report to the credit insurance company?

Features in CAM

  • Evaluation of the entire portfolio
  • Wide range of standard reports included (e.g. rating distribution in the entire portfolio)
  • Generation of individual reports with the help of an integrated editor
  • Visual preparation of evaluations
  • Definition of evaluation and dispatch intervals for the reports
  • Authorisation concept
  • Various export options
Product Information

Flexible Reporting in CAM

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Your Benefits of Our Portfolio Analysis Software:

  • Base for deriving strategic measures
  • Ideal as a basis for discussion for strategic decisions
  • Extensive selection options
  • Flexibility through easy customisation / expandability of reports
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Portfolio Analysis Software for Your Industry

CAM Credit & Surety

Credit Insurance & Surety Insurance

Innovative technologies for the digital transformation of credit insurance and surety insurance.
Credit & Surety Software
CAM Financial Services

Financial service providers, Leasing, Factoring

Credit risk management software for assessing credit risks and making automated credit decisions.
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CAM Industry & Trade

Industry, Wholesale & Energy Companies

With our credit management software for industry, wholesale & energy companies, the digitalisation of credit management in your company is a success.
Credit Management Software