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Surety Portal

Your path to a digital and automated surety business.

Notebook Surety Portale EN

Digitisation and Automation on Point

The Surety Portal enables the processing of the surety business for all parties involved - digitally and automatically. With the help of the self-service approach, this simplifies the work for your employees and your partners.

Retain your existing clientele and attract new customers through digital offers and constant availability of your services.

What is the Surety Portal?

The Surety Portal creates a new type of digital customer experience for your surety insurance offering. The purpose of the portal is to present all current contracts throughout their lifecycle with relevant information.

Your customers and partners can perform recurring activities by themselves and independent of time and location.

What Does the Surety Portal Enable?

  • Access to existing surety agreements
  • Application for new surety agreements (facilities, bonds, single risks)
  • Requesting changes to surety agreements
  • Up- and download of documents and invoices
  • Notifications about agreement changes and other events

Advantages of the Surety Portal

  • Modern design with intuitive user guidance incl. mobile use
  • Provision of agreement information and documents around the clock
  • Structured entry of agreement applications and automatic transmission to CAM Surety
  • Automatic bond issuance from the portal, if desired
  • Beneficiary search via various information providers and agencies
  • Adaptable to the corporate identity (CI) of your company
  • Connection to CAM systems and integration into existing processes
  • Access for different user groups with their own roles and permissions (e.g., customers and brokers)
  • Independent and digital onboarding for new and existing customers
Product Information

Surety Portal

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Take Your Surety Business to the Next Level!

Digital and Automated with the Surety Portal.

Let's get in touch

Your Industry, Our Solution