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Credit management during times of the corona crisis

The corona crisis has the industry and trade sectors firmly in its grip and poses a challenge for credit managers in particular. Read in our article what you can do to secure your liquidity!
Blog Post
, Daniel Franz

State aid, but the uncertainty still remains!

The German government and the federal states are currently making available a broad bundle of help packages for self-employed people and companies: from grants that do not need to be paid back to tax relief schemes and offers of credit with government guarantees.

Nevertheless, in the short term it is the available liquidity that is the decisive factor for most companies in overcoming the challenges presented by the current economic conditions.

At this time it is especially important for industrial and trading companies to evaluate the situation: which customers will be in a position in the future to pay their invoices and can therefore safely be supplied? Which customers already have liquidity problems and therefore an increased risk of default through the effects of the economic crisis?


What options do you have in the current situation to secure liquidity in the best possible way?

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