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Interesting Facts About Technical Topics, Exciting News and Current Videos.

Blog Post, Schumann Insights, Videos

Insolvencies at a Peak?

Insolvencies in Germany have risen again – find out in SCHUMANN Insights why the building industry, logistics and even hospitals are affected, and which economic factors are the background to this.

Blog Post, Schumann Insights, Videos

AI in Credit Management – How Will Working Practices Change?

Find out how artificial intelligence is reforming credit management and which new opportunities and challenges the industry will face.

Blog Post, Schumann Insights, Videos

Contradictions in the Labour Market?

Learn more about the causes of the current job losses on the labour market. Which sectors are particularly affected and what effects could follow? Read more in the new issue of SCHUMANN Insights.

Blog Post, Videos

Non-Payment Insurance as a Key Pillar of the Financial Industry

What is the significance of non-payment insurance for the financial sector? Robert Meters, Director of Global Business at SCHUMANN, talked with Carol Searle and Simon Bessant fromTexel Finance about the value of the non-payment insurance.

Industry INSIGHTS, Videos

HSBC Benefits from IT Solutions

HSBC has received the Euromoney Award as "The World's Best Bank for Trade Finance". What success factors led HSBC in receivables finance to an award winner? Learn more in the interview with Robert Meters and John Beaney.

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