Growth in the Board of Directors
From 1st January 2025 Prof. Schumann GmbH will have a further Managing Director, Dr. Adam Melski. The Management Board will continue to be led by Dr. Martina Städtler-Schumann as Chairwoman. The Göttingen-based software company is restructuring its business processes and setting itself up for further continuous growth.
Since its foundation in 1997 SCHUMANN has developed constantly and today, with around 200 employees, it is regarded as a market leader for credit management software in various industries. The enormous growth, especially in recent years, makes it necessary to extend the management and to restructure the business processes. The declared aim is to strengthen the company for the future and to push ahead with the expansion strategy.
Dr. Adam Melski (44) has a doctorate in Business Informatics and is a specialist for digital and agile transformation. From 2009 to 2021 he was the head of various departments at VHV Insurance and as a leader of large projects he was responsible for the implementation of digital processes and IT modernization with large international teams. In 2021 he moved to HDI Insurance as Head of the Claims-IT division and took over the management of an HDI joint venture. "I am really looking forward to this new challenge and the possibility to bring my experience to SCHUMANN", said Melski. "It will be an exciting task to help mould this strongly growing company and to accompany it on its journey into the future", he continued.
In the revised structure the new Managing Director Dr. Adam Melski will take over the area of production and the newly created role of Chief Technology Officer. "Until now, product and customer-project development have been distributed between the areas of responsibility of different Managing Directors. We now want to change this and to unite all of the themes relating to software development under one person", explained Dr. Martina Städtler-Schumann. She remains the Chairwoman of the Management Board and in future will be responsible for all areas relating to personnel. Evgeny Kulyushin will now concentrate on marketing and sales and Jan-Torben Schwager will be responsible for central administration and compliance tasks. "With Dr. Adam Melski we are very pleased to have found a colleague who has both extensive leadership experience and a history of involvement in large IT projects, and we are convinced that SCHUMANN will profit from these changes", said Kulyushin.

Board of Directors of SCHUMANN: Evgeny Kulyushin, Dr. Adam Melski, Dr. Martina Städtler-Schumann (CEO) and Jan-Torben Schwager (from left)
As Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications, Martina Hammer manages the organization and coordination of the marketing team.
She studied media and communication sciences and has been responsible for national and international press and corporate communications at SCHUMANN.
Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications, SCHUMANN