MGAs are becoming an important topic in the surety business in the recent years. Phil Bonner from TigerRisk Partner shares some findings.
Interview with Simon Barker
What are MGAs and what are their market opportunities and challenges? Simon Barker, Director of Nexus Europe, gives a short introduction in the interview with SCHUMANN.
Why Payment Experience is So Important Now
Can companies draw conclusions about potential risks based on customers' payment behavior? But what needs to be taken into account? More in SCHUMANN Insights.
SCHUMANN Conference Identifies the Importance of Technology in Understanding Risks and Opportunities
The conference had over a thousand registered attendees from across the world, including representatives and speakers from major companies, platforms and associations such as Allianz Trade, Atradius, Aurubis, BPL Global, CFG Finance, Coface, Ernst & Young, EB Consult, FCI, ICISA, ITFA, km credit consulting, Knauf Interfere, Nexus Europe, Rhenus Assets & Services, TigerRisk Partners, TRUMPF Financial Service, Pernix Speciality, Wilhelm Hoyer and Zurich.
MGAs - The Future of Surety and Bond
Which role do MGAs play in the surety bond market? And what is their key to success?