KYC (Know Your Customer) in industrial and trading companies can only be as good as the customer master data it is based on. Both disciplines need to be set up and organized properly.
Credit management during the second lockdown
Once again, particular industries are hit especially hard in the German "lockdown light". Which effects are there on credit management and which companies need to be especially farsighted when giving credit?
Virtual Credit Risk Management Conference with more than 600 participants
The annual Digital Credit Risk Management Conference was held on 1st October 2020 as an online event. Over 600 participants from around the world took part.
Trade credit insurers' reactions to the crisis
Recently there have been announcements that limits will be reduced or completely cancelled. Does trade credit insurance still fulfil its purpose?
The economic development in the coming months
Minister for Economic Affairs Peter Altmaier announced on 1st September 2020 that the bottom of the economic trough had been passed and the economy is now in a V-shaped recovery. What does this mean for credit management?