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SCHUMANN repositions the company with its management

SCHUMANN now also catering for continuous growth in organisational terms: With a newly created management level, the company is gearing up for the future.
, Martina Hammer

Newly created management level

SCHUMANN now also catering for continuous growth in organisational terms. By creating a new level of management at the company, SCHUMANN is ensuring the clear, transparent allocation of responsibility for key functions while supporting growth-oriented further expansion of its business.

In 2019 SCHUMANN, the consultancy service and software house based in Göttingen, saw sales increase by 20 percent and staffing levels rise to over 160 employees. A new level of management has been established at the company to accommodate such growth while maintaining smooth business processes. SCHUMANN's Managing Director, Dr. Martina Städtler-Schumann, explains: "The company's growth in recent years has called for organisational changes, above all if we are to align our business to further expansion. Our new management team is made up of long-serving experienced employees who each offer outstanding expertise in their individual sphere."

The new management structure comprises six divisions, which are headed up by the following persons.

  • Dr. Björn Decker: Technology and Software Development
  • Dr. Andrea Eickemeyer: HR
  • Evgeny Kulyushin: Sales and Marketing
  • Henning Rahlf: Product and Business Development
  • Stefan Schubert: Project Organisation and Management
  • Jan Torben Schwager: Corporate Organisation

Städtler-Schumann considers the company to be extremely well positioned for 2020, even in such a difficult year: "Given the current developments, it is plain to see that the future belongs to digitalisation. The surge in demand for our solutions over the last six months shows that the automation of business processes along the financial supply chain will undoubtedly be the strongest driver of growth for us in coming years."

The new management will allow the company to cater for this increase in demand and to better support the customers in coping with the challenges of digitalisation.

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About the Author
Martina Hammer

As Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications, Martina Hammer manages the organization and coordination of the marketing team.

She studied media and communication sciences and has been responsible for national and international press and corporate communications at SCHUMANN.

Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications, SCHUMANN

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