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Virtual Credit Risk Management Conference with more than 600 participants

The annual Digital Credit Risk Management Conference was held on 1st October 2020 as an online event. Over 600 participants from around the world took part.
, Martina Hammer

Virtual conference from SCHUMANN on digital credit risk management with more than 600 participants from all over the world

The annual Digital Credit Risk Management Conference of the Göttingen-based consultancy and software company SCHUMANN was held on 1st October 2020 – for the first time as an online event. Over 600 participants from around the world took part. Risk evaluation in times of crisis is currently a particular concern of experts worldwide. All the sessions of the event were recorded and are available to anyone interested after free registration on the SCHUMANN Portal.

The economic changes caused by the corona pandemic are enormous. The effects on credit risk management in different industries and the role of credit insurance companies in this context were recurring themes at this year's SCHUMANN Digital Credit Risk Management Conference. The forthcoming challenges and the best possible way of dealing with the expected economic developments greatly concern experts around the world. The search for new methods, digitalized processes and innovative approaches was clearly reflected in the high number of participants at the conference. Dr. Martina Städtler-Schumann, Managing Director of SCHUMANN, reported: "Our event met with an unbelievable level of interest. We had participants from many European countries, the USA and Russia. For companies worldwide, nothing is as important now as securing themselves for the future in the greatly changed risk situation. This includes reducing credit risks as much as possible and securing one's own liquidity."

In panel discussions, talks and presentations, SCHUMANN gave over 40 national and international experts the chance to present their information and ideas. Strategies for credit risk management and digital transformation were discussed on four parallel channels. "The possibilities for utilizing digitalization in credit risk management are currently high on the agenda across all industries, regardless of whether you are an insurance company, financial services provider or an industrial or trading company. The corona pandemic as an accelerator of innovation also means that right now old practices must be questioned and modernized, and investments may need to be made", Städtler-Schumann is sure. Selection of the right technology is thereby decisive for the success of an operative and strategic digital transformation of processes in credit risk management. This can become a key competitive advantage because the optimization of processes through the use of technology makes companies more efficient and resilient.

The next SCHUMANN conference on digital credit risk management will take place on 30th September 2021. All the sessions of this year's event were recorded and are available to anyone interested after free registration on the SCHUMANN portal at

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About the Author
Martina Hammer

As Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications, Martina Hammer manages the organization and coordination of the marketing team.

She studied media and communication sciences and has been responsible for national and international press and corporate communications at SCHUMANN.

Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications, SCHUMANN

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