At irregular intervals, we answer specific questions about credit risks in the era of COVID-19. This time on how to deal with financial bottlenecks on the debit-side.
Video: Forecasting the liquidity of business partners
The simulated updating of financial statements offers an ideal opportunity to immediately forecast the liquidity of business partners, taking into account current circumstances.
Blog Post
Credit risks in times of crisis
At irregular intervals, we answer specific questions about credit risks in the era of COVID-19, this time on how to deal with cancelled or reduced credit insurance limits.
SCHUMANN at PraxisBörse 2020, Göttingen
Meet SCHUMANN at the Job and Career Fair of the University of Göttingen on 10 June 2020. The event will be held virtually this year.
Blog Post
How to Secure the Viability of Your Business in Times of Crisis
Payment delays and defaults by customers as well as the breaking away of suppliers can quickly put one's own solvency at risk. Better you keep an eye on the liquidity of your business partners.

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