Euler Hermes recently announced that it will reduce or phase out cover at the end of the year for clients whose creditworthiness appears to be weak.
Blog Post
How to identify potential payment problems with customers
There are various possibilities to preventively monitor or forecast the payment behaviour of customers even in times of crisis.
SCHUMANN repositions the company with its management
SCHUMANN now also catering for continuous growth in organisational terms: With a newly created management level, the company is gearing up for the future.
Conference on digital credit risk management
On 1 October 2020, the Göttingen consultancy and software company SCHUMANN will be holding an online conference on digital credit risk management.
Blog Post
Effects of the Corona Crisis on the Ratings of Companies
How do rating systems react to the Corona crisis? What are the consequences for risk management and limit allocation in companies? Find the answers in the below article.

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