Unfortunately, the great majority of companies are not able to operate without any CO2 emissions. This also affects SCHUMANN as a software development and consulting company. In everyday operations, for example, heating and electricity consumption as well as business travel increase the ecological footprint. "We have recognized this problem for some time and developed various solutions at an early stage to save emissions or even avoid them altogether," explains Managing Director Dr. Martina Städtler-Schumann. For example, all equipment is Energy Star certified and almost half of the employees are equipped with a BahnCard, green electricity tariffs have been switched to, and even the gas arrives at the buildings from the manufacturer in a climate-neutral manner. Furthermore, many business trips have been replaced by virtual meetings, and the company's flexible home office arrangement also means that emissions can be saved on the way to work. In order to make the commute to work generally less emission-intensive, SCHUMANN also offers its employees the option of leasing a bicycle, the cost of which is shared by the company.
But whatever cannot be avoided entirely, the company would like to compensate for with the help of an external climate partner. For this purpose, SCHUMANN has measured its annual CO2 consumption in cooperation with external consultants and joined the non-profit association "PRIMAKLIMA". With its help, the software company will offset its remaining CO2 footprint through compensation. "PRIMAKLIMA" is concerned with the worldwide reforestation and maintenance of biodiverse habitats in order to promote the global ecosystem and protect forests that are important for the microclimate.